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Pre And Post Competition/ Event Session

Summit Physical Therapy AZ

Physical Therapists & Rehabilitation Specialists located in Gilbert, AZ & Mesa, AZ

If you play sports or lead a physically active lifestyle, pre and post competition event sessions can reduce the risk of injury, improve your mobility, and help you perform at the highest level. At Summit Physical Therapy AZ, our physical therapists tailor pre and post competition event sessions to each client’s needs. Often, treatment includes a combination of at-home stretches as well as therapies like massage, cupping, or dry needling. To make an appointment, call the office in Gilbert or Mesa, Arizona, or book online today.

Pre and Post Competition/ Event Session Q & A

What is a pre and post competition event session?

A pre and post competition event session is a unique treatment regimen designed for athletes, weekend warriors, and other physically active individuals. It combines patient education, manual therapies, and physical rehabilitation to reduce the risk of injury and improve your performance on the court or playing field.

At Summit Physical Therapy AZ, our physical therapists have all been competitive athletes and have extensive experience working with athletes and other active people. Their training, knowledge, and expertise ensure lasting treatment outcomes, reduced pain, and improved mobility.

What types of issues can benefit from a pre and post competition event session?

At Summit Physical Therapy AZ, our physical therapists use pre and post competition event sessions to treat various issues, including:

  • Range of motion limitations
  • Muscle imbalances/weakness
  • Sprains and strains
  • Joint pain
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Inefficient functional patterns (i.e. poor posture)

You might also benefit from a pre and post competition event session if you want to speed up the time it takes for your body to recover following a game, marathon, or another event.

What does a pre and post competition event session involve?

At Summit Physical Therapy AZ, our physical therapists tailor pre and post competition event sessions to each individual’s needs. Depending on your age, medical history, and the activities you participate in, she might recommend:

Manual therapies

Manual therapies are a group of hands-on treatments designed to reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and encourage your body’s healing process. Some of the most common types of manual therapy include physical therapy and massage.


Cupping is an ancient holistic practice that uses special cups to create suction against your skin. The treatment is quick, pain-free, and provides lasting relief for various conditions, including muscle pain, poor circulation, and inflammation.  

Dry needling

Dry needling is a minimally invasive treatment for muscle pain. During treatment, our physical therapists insert small needles into trigger points (knots of muscle tissue). The needles don’t administer an injection; instead, they relax your trigger points, relieving the pain. 


If you play a sport that requires frequent pivots or changes in direction, like soccer, basketball, or tennis, our physical therapists might recommend at-home stretches to enhance your mobility. They can also recommend exercises to strengthen your core muscles, reducing your risk of injury.

Who can benefit from a pre and post competition event session?

Anyone who plays sports, works a physically demanding job, or leads an active lifestyle can benefit from a pre and post competition event session at Summit Physical Therapy AZ. Following an exam and a discussion of your lifestyle, our physical therapists can develop a treatment plan that aligns with your needs.

To learn more about the benefits of a pre and post competition event session, make an appointment at Summit Physical Therapy AZ by calling the office or clicking the online booking feature today.

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